Mr Aiden, Jason and Dena's Pride and Joy

This is Aiden, the newest member of Jason and Dena's family. Such a sweet little angel. I have to share this story: Jason and Dena were married last April 4, 2010. Since originally meeting Dena and photographing her wedding we've become friends.:-) While shooting Jason and Dena's maternity pictures Dena was telling me that she was hoping for Aiden to be born on Feb 14th for certain reasons. Dena and I had made plans to meet for lunch on Thursday Feb 10th. Well the night before I went to send Dena a text message to say "Don't be going in to labor tomorrow so you can cancel lunch on me". I did not send the text for my thought was I do not want to jinx Dena, she is hoping to have the baby on Feb 14th. Well guess what? On Thursday Feb 10th I was heading out to meet Dena for lunch when I received a text message from Jason stating "Dena is in labor, will not be able to meet you for lunch". Is it my fault? One will never know. I borrowed my ...