Getting a little Personal

What is a mother to do? If you know me you know that I have three boys and live for my children. The reason for this post is that my oldest son Miguel has enlisted into the Navy and the emotions that have followed his decision have been all over the place. Thought maybe if I share with you, there might be someone who reads this that is going through the same thing and now feels normal or maybe I'm not. In December when Miguel mentioned he wanted to join the service I did not take him seriously, we went down this path last year and he decided against it. I was expressing to him the importance of finding a JOB as any mother would expect of their 18 year old college student. Miguel would say with a smile "I found a job", I would reply "really", his reply "yes with the US government". Finally I told my son, if you are serious about the Navy then we need to sit down and talk about it. In which we did. Now in trying to give good advic...