Let's Talk About TTD

Lets talk about Trash The Dress, I think it should be called something else for the dress doesn't really get trashed. Maybe a little dirty or dusty. Unless of course you are going into the ocean. Then you just rinse off the dress with the hose and drop it off at the dry cleaners. Can I just say that I LOVE doing this kind of shoot. Maybe I will re title it to WDF (Wedding Dress Fun). They are so much fun because the bride is so relaxed, you get to pick a fun out of the ordinary location and the photographer is under no time limit or any concerns of keeping everything neat and pretty. Do you remember Raeannon, a beautiful past bride? Let me tell you that we had so much fun doing this WDF. I feel like I've had a big secret waiting for the right time to do this blog post. We had such a great time and Raeannon was such a trooper. She is gorgeous and was not afraid to lay down in the dirt which made for great pictures. Thank y...