Engagement Shoot with Jaclyn and Erik at Riparian Preserve Park

I first met Jaclyn and Erik at their engagement shoot since Jaclyn had booked me over phone meetings. When I showed up I instantly felt comfortable with this adorable couple and their dog. Jaclyn had requested Riparian Preserve as the location for their engagement pictures. I've been there many times but this time we stumbled on to a big over grown field, yay! Erik and Jaclyn are nice people with good ol fashion manners. It was such a wonderful time photographing their engagement pictures. Would you like to know how they met? Erik and Jaclyn met September of 2011 at a restaurant she was working at. They had both been at the same college (Western Michigan University) for four years and had mutual friends, but somehow had never met before. Erik came in to the restaurant with two of his friends on a Friday night. He stopped Jaclyn one of the times that she was walking by his table and they started talking. As Erik was cashing out, J...