Jake and Khristian Engaged

What does it mean when several of my closet friends children are getting married? I'm not getting older, right? Just the children are growing up. I am so honored to have been able to photograph Khristian and Jake's engagement pictures. I remember Khristian as a little lady playing softball and now she is a grown up playing Doctor planning a wedding. It was such enjoyable afternoon driving to Sedona with Jake and Khristian to photograph their engagement pictures. We were hoping the rain would have moved out or hold off and it did. When we got to the desired location the sun was out and giving us beautiful back light. As the hour went by so did the sun and in moved the clouds. Rain did catch up to us but right at the point of which we were done. Yay for Jake and Khristian getting in the creek, made for fun pictures. How about their story: Jake and Khristian met at a bar, no biggy. Khristian was...