Is It Really 2016?

Look at my beautiful family and how they have grown! I cannot believe it is the year 2016 and I have been blogging since 2007. My fall wedding season has become very busy along with the rush of family pictures for Christmas cards that I am finding it harder and harder to blog. I still want to share with you several of my weddings from the last few months of 2015, so I will be blogging them periodically. Now back to my family!! Miguel and Kariann were home for New Years so we all took in Star Wars together, along with hiking and eating, it was a great visit. Morgan is still on break from school, but will start back up at GCC in about two weeks. William is having a tough time getting back into the swing of things (getting up early for shcool), he is killing 7th grade! As for me and Brian, just working hard!! This year I want to declutter my life (house) and continue to be fit. God continues to bless me in so many ways!...