Forever Sister

I love this family! I love how big their hearts are. They finally have their forever daughter to add to their amazing family! Bryon and Emily have been a foster family for several years now and they finally were fortunate enough to adopt a little girl to add to their family. We took these pictures last March but I was not allowed to post any of them until the adoption was final. OK, the adoption finally final this past October and I am just now getting around to sharing their amazing story. Here is Emily's story in her words from her blog: For the last two plus years I haven't understood why we have continued to say goodbye to daughter after daughter and had hopeful adoptions fall through. The idea of you was so beautiful and perfect, we didn't think it was going to happen. It was too easy this time. God opened the door and we walked through trusting Him again that He would make it happen if it was meant to be. And what a beauti...