Hawaii June 5th - 11th 2008
We took a family trip to Hawaii with Brian's parents in early June. I love Hawaii, from the minute you land it is so beautiful and peaceful. Getting to Hawaii this trip was a bit trying. We had a connecting flight that took us to Utah, little did we know that we would be in Utah for almost 24 hours. The flight was delayed and then canceled so after staying in the airport for about 10 hours we were shuttled to the nearest hotel and departed Utah the next morning at 6:00 am. I must say my boys were so good! After about five hours in the Utah airport William said and I quote "All I wanted to do today was go to Maui". Once we got to Hawaii we had a fabulous time along with some adventure. We were lucky enough to stay at the Ritz Carlton in Maui, only left the resort twice, once for snorkeling and once for a quad ride in the "rain forest". Along with a beautiful view the Ritz also had some fantastic food. The boys and I were even able to get Brian to try some sushi!
O.K. this pictures must only be about 4 hours into the wait, because eventually the table was covered with legos and snacks!

This isin't Hawaii it is UTAH! Make a wish daddy, get us to Hawaii!

Look at that fancy Chocolate Milk. I saw that and said "I'll have what he's having"

Hunting for black crabs early in the morning!
Morgan my early riser!
Brain eating sushi with the boys.
What is this? Miguel is helping Morgan!
Yes I have mud on my face and the boys think its funny.....

This isin't Hawaii it is UTAH! Make a wish daddy, get us to Hawaii!

From Big Bro Mike