~~ Adam & Jessica ~~
Adam and Jessica were married on this past June 20th. They were married at the First Congregational Church of Tempe and the reception was ASU Old Main Carson Ballroom. This was my first time at ASU Old Main, what a beautiful spot for pictures! Adam and Jessica have got to be one of the sweetest couples, Adam surprised Jessica with a lovely strand of Pearls and matching earrings, who does that anymore? Jessica was so beautiful and just so happy to be getting married! She was radiant!! Can I also mention what a good looking bridal party they had! So here are some of my favorites from Adam and Jessica's wedding day, while looking at the images notice Jessica's eyes :-) again, she is radiant... Thank you Adam and Jessica, I was looking forward to your wedding, I knew how special the two of are, and I was right. Hope you had a fantastic honeymoon...
