I Love This Family
Meet the Berneburgs and their bunch. They are the reason I was in San Diego to begin With. Nancy had mentioned she would like family pictures while at the beach and I was all for it. Nancy is my bff!! I have so much fun when I am with her and her family.

Now meet the Suman's the Berneburg's friends. They vacation a lot with each other and decided to have some family pictures done as well.

Now meet the Suman's the Berneburg's friends. They vacation a lot with each other and decided to have some family pictures done as well.

This last picture is of the entire group. They were so much fun to be with, I didn't want to go home and not because it was 116 back in Phoenix.. Thanks Nancy for allowing me and my children to hang and eat your food while in San Diego, we all had a fabulous time and want to do it again next year.