Love at the Renaissance

I had so much fun taking engagement pictures of Tim and Alison at the Renaissance Festival. Why the Renaissance Festival you ask? Tim and Alison are lovers of fantasy, in books, games or wherever it can be found, the best place to get into this spirit, the Renaissance Festival. One important fact is this is where Tim proposed to the lovely Alison, so why not go back to where it all started.
Tim and Alison will be getting married in winter of 2011, wedding date not set in stone yet, they are hoping to say their I do's in Michigan at Castle Farms. I think I am going:-) They want it to be as I quote Alison "Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure" like Wesley and Buttercup from The Princess Bride. Love this couple!


Tracy said…
You definitely captured their personalities beautifully. So colorful and fun, yet romantic.
Unknown said…
Aww, thank you so much Mary!

In case anyone is interested, the website for castle farms - weddings is

Can't wait for everything to come together!
This is cool. Keep it coming.

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