This is Aryn a very special young lady. You see Aryn is my oldest and dearest friends daughter who is now a senior in high school. Her mother Stephanie and I met when we were in elementary school in South Pasadena. We have been friends since 1977 (correct me if I'm wrong Steph), I mean super best friends the kind that are inseparable. If I wasn't at Steph's house she was at mine. So what an honor to be able shot some pictures of her beautiful daughter Aryn.
When Stephanie said she was coming to visit we decided to go ahead and do Aryn's pictures while here. I was so excited and had all these great ideas in my head. Then low a behold when it is time to go take the pictures it rained, I mean came down in buckets. The new plan was for us now to just drive back to the house and stop somewhere along the way where it was not raining. It rained on us all the way to about 2 miles before my house. We ended up taking the pictures at my father-in-laws house in a sprinkle and we were loosing light. Most of these images were taken at ISO 800, with a 50mm lens set at f-stop 1.4, 60 of second. I was so disappointed and probably didn't hide my grumpy mood after all was said and done. I think under the circumstances we got some beautiful pictures of Aryn.

Stephanie and I are using the rain as an excuse to get together again before Aryn graduate's and try to take pictures one more time. You see Stephanie still lives in California. I love you Stephanie and I hope you and Aryn like what we got.