We Survived Boot Camp, What is Next

 This is my son's DIV 226 Ship 07 from Great Lakes IL, graduated boot camp on July 20, 2012 and yes my son was what they call a "stick man" and carried a flag.  I was so thankful he carried a flag for we were able to spot him right away.  Miguel is one of about 550 sailors to graduate on this day!
It began on May 24, 2012 and ended July 20, 2012, at least the boot camp part!  From the minute we watched Miguel get sworn in, it has been a emotional roller coaster.  From waiting for my 30 second phone on the night of the May 24 to tell he was safe in Great Lakes, then his box of cloths that I last saw him in, to the form letter that everyone gets with boot camp and graduation information along with his address, to my first letter, first phone call (almost 6 weeks in) to lastly the "I'm a sailor call" that Miguel placed to his girlfriend Kariann.  Finally graduation!!  My emotions went from sadness, for my oldest son was gone. Then the nerves kick because I've not heard from him for two weeks now.  I've already mailed him about 4 letters, just waiting to hear back.  After my first letter worry sets in.  Thank goodness for the Navy websites that can explain a little bit about boot camp and what your recruit is going through.  It plainly states that after about two weeks your recruit will be questioning what he just did and he/she will be incredible homesick.  That was how our first letter from Miguel sounded.  I was prepared for it but it still had me so worried about him.  When I wrote him back 4 pages of encouragement one thing I said "you are right on track, they said at about two weeks you would be feeling doubtful".  Again, after that first letter I am grateful for my family and friends to help me through another emotional day!  I asked my one beautiful friend Lyric to pray for Miguel, this is what she said "God is with him and working him into the man he designed him to become"!  Wow, does she even know how much that help and is still helping.  I wrote it out on a index card and carry it with me.  The letters kept coming from Miguel and he sounded better and better!  He was up for the challenge.  My feelings have turned to pride, although I will still find myself sitting on the couch in tears missing his presence.  Then his sweet girlfriend called me saying "I talked to him":-) He was able to call home for the first time at about 4 weeks in.  Kariann sounded so happy which made me so happy. "Tell me everything" was what I said.  Kariann said he sounded GOOD!!  He is missing everyone and that he is a stick man.  Miguel was also able to call his dad to wish him a Happy Fathers day.  OK, this means the next phone call will be to me, not.  Well not for another two weeks that is.  I got a letter from Miguel stating that things were getting hard and they took away phone privileges.  Now I'm back to being nervous and worry sum.  From about two weeks in until I did finally get my first phone call from Miguel I had my phone with me everywhere.  Even at weddings it was on vibrate in my pocket, just in case. We went to Mexico for a long weekend and I had my phone on beach with me the entire time in plane view, everyone knew to make sure if it rang to answer it just in case it was Miguel.  I know I drove my family crazy with this.  I wouldn't doubt I drove many people crazy for all I could talk about during this 8 weeks was Miguel. Anyone who would listen or acted interested I talked.  Not just family and friends but clients new and old.  Trying to hold back the tears as I would share any information I had during the boot camp phase.  Oh and if you mentioned you knew anyone or were in the Navy, you had my full attention, wanting to absorb any information you could give me about boot camp and what was to come at A school.  Then I finally got my call, on a Thursday July 5, when I should have been at yoga I was sitting on the couch not feeling great.  I was so HAPPY to hear his voice!  Morgan and William were able to chat with him too.  My son sounded GOOD!  After we hung up I told Morgan "if I had gone to yoga I would have missed Miguel's call" Morgan "things happen for a reason" Love him!  Boy once I got that call I was able to relax a little, walk away from my cell and smile.  I knew I would most likely not talk to Miguel again until we saw him at the graduation.  He did get to make one more call after Battle Stations, the last test to becoming a sailor.  That call he made to Kariann, he was a sailor.  This next picture is Kariann hugging her sailor for the first time in 8 weeks!
 The graduation ceremony was one of the most amazing moments!  We were so proud of all the young men and women who were standing before us after completing boot camp!  It was a great display with the flags, honor guard, band and drums.  Drums were my favorite. I was waiting for Miguel's DIV to walk in and once I saw him I was so shaky, tears starting to fill my eyes that I had a hard time taking pictures.  Finally I had to tell myself "you are a professional photographer you can do this". HA..and ended up with some great pictures of my son.  I never thought I could be any prouder of him and I was! My son Miguel the sailor!  Who knew this would be his path, a impressive path it is.
                                                Proud Mama, Miguel, Morgan, Brian and William.
We were able to to take Miguel with us for the afternoon, he had to be back on base by 8:00 pm and then he flew out to CT early the next morning will he will start A school. Yes, I did put CT time and weather on my Ipod. Miguel will now start his next leg of the Navy, submarines!!   Between Miguel's dad, his girlfriend Kariann and us he got lots of hugs and support.  We enjoyed sushi and birthday cake.  Now that he is in CT we can talk to him regularly, thank goodness.:-)  I'm already trying to figure out when I can go visit him.  Miguel seems to have settled in to his new life style and ready for the next phase.  I know I keep saying it but we could not be prouder of him. GO NAVY


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